P-04-617 Stop the Wholesale Hiving off of Public Libraries to the Voluntary Sector  

We call on the Deputy Minister for Culture to accept, with immediate effect, recommendation III of the Expert Library Review of Public Libraries in Wales 2014 (Proposed changes to public library services should only be progressed following the production of costed options). Furthermore, he should now advise all local authorities in Wales that this requirement will be effective for proposed changes announced after the date of publication of the Expert Review (22 October 2014) as well as proposals announced before that date, but where a period of public consultation ends after 22 October 2014. This action is required to halt the flood of proposals by the Vale of Glamorgan and other local authorities in Wales to hive off our Public Libraries to the voluntary sector, without giving due consideration to alternative options.

 Petitioner :  Adam Riley - Save Rhoose Library

First considered by the Committee:

Number of Signatures:: 66